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A Message From The Head of School

A Message From The Head of School

Dear Alumni,

Like most private, independent schools across the country, the tuition paid by HCA families only accounts for 75% to 80% of our operating budget each year. The school therefore relies on the charitable financial support of its alumni, parents, grandparents, and even its teachers. Our primary method of giving is The Shield Fund, an annual fund made up of unrestricted donations that give the school the flexibility to hire and retain great teachers, build curriculum, develop new co-curricular programs and support established ones, and provide excellent facilities for learning. The Shield Fund allows us to build and maintain the best HCA possible, and we ask every family to make an annual donation, small or large, to this fund.

Ultimately, all that we do is made possible because God has put us in this place, at this school between two cornfields that is called to also be a city on a hill. Please pray for us, and please prayerfully consider including HCA in your regular charitable giving.

If I can answer any questions or if you would like to meet to discuss HCA and its future, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.


Andy Wells '91, Head of School

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